Uganda – Gorilla Trekking

3-Day Gorilla Trekking Experience You have seen Mountain Gorillas on Television, maybe read the book Gorillas in the Mist, now choose to experience it!...

Uganda – Gorilla Trekking

3-Day Gorilla Trekking Experience

You have seen Mountain Gorillas on Television, maybe read the book Gorillas in the Mist, now choose to experience it!

Your 3 day package takes you through Bwindi Impenetrable National Park which includes up to a full day of Gorilla Trekking and a Batwa Experience, accommodation, an expert guide, meals, transport and more.

This unforgettable tour gives you the once in a lifetime chance to view the Gorillas from a close range observing adults feeding, groaning and resting as the youngsters play and move backward and forward in a pleasantly comical demonstration. You shouldn’t miss this life changing experience. Plus en route do a photo stop at the equator and lunch break in Mbarara.

Gorilla tracking normally lasts between 2 to 8 hours or even a day to encounter the gorillas. However, you will be allowed to stay in the presence of these awesome apes for at least an hour. If time and energy allow, you may take a community tour to the Batwa community after the gorilla tracking.

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